Head lice prevention tips for moms!

Hey Mom,

Your super special day is coming up … to Celebrate, we’ve dedicated this week’s blog post to YOU!

Because head lice affects the majority of school aged children, our work involves a lot of interaction with both kids and their stressed out parents. For children, sitting in a chair for a long period of time during the head lice removal process requires some creative thinking, patience, and empathy (traits that a lot of Moms possess). 

Head Lice Prevention During Mother’s Day Weekend!

We hope you find some time this weekend to relax, unwind, and do something for you! Often, the best way to avoid any work on “Mother’s Day” is to get out with the kids and explore the community.
From picnics in the park to library visits, Mother’s Day Brunch to movie theatres – there’s always a lot you can do with the kids to celebrate.
Of course whenever you visit a public place, it’s always good to keep head lice prevention in mind. It’s amazing how easily head lice is spread. Here are some examples:

  • through head rests at movie theatres and

  • head to head contact during child friendly activities plus

  • clothing to clothing contact where head lice is present