Eliana E. Ortega

One of the most profitable and untapped businesses in 2023: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Start a Lice Removal Business Today.

Are you looking for a profitable business idea that can make a real difference in your community? Consider starting a lice removal business. While it may not sound glamorous, lice infestations are a common problem that affects millions of people every year. Here are some compelling reasons why you should start a lice removal business:

1) There is a high demand for lice removal services.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6 to 12 million children between the ages of 3 and 11 get lice each year in the United States. This means that there is a huge demand for lice removal services, especially during peak seasons such as back-to-school and summer camps.

2) Lice removal can be a lucrative business.

Lice removal services can be highly profitable, with some companies charging upwards of $250 per hour for their services. With low overhead and high demand, a lice removal business can be a great investment opportunity.

3) Lice removal is a non-toxic and eco-friendly service.

Unlike many other pest control services, head lice removal is a non-toxic and eco-friendly service that is safe for both people and the environment. This means that you can feel good about offering a service that is not only profitable but also safe for your community.

4) You can make a real difference in people's lives.

Lice infestations can be a real nightmare for families, causing stress, embarrassment, and even social isolation. By starting a lice removal business, you can help families get rid of these pesky parasites and restore their peace of mind.

5) You can work flexible hours and be your own boss.

Starting a lice removal business gives you the freedom to work flexible hours and be your own boss. This means that you can create a schedule that works for you and your family while still earning a high income.

In conclusion, starting a lice removal business is a smart business decision that can make a real difference in your community. With high demand, lucrative earnings, and the ability to positively impact people's lives, it's a business idea worth considering. So, what are you waiting for? Take the leap, sign up for my signature Larger Than Lice Academy Training and Certification Program, and start your lice removal business today!

7 Effective Ways to Prevent Head Lice by Eliana E. Ortega.

Head lice are tiny parasites that live on the human scalp and feed on blood. They can be very contagious and easily spread from person to person, especially among children. Left untreated, head lice can cause itching, irritation, and even infection. It is essential to take measures to prevent head lice from infesting your scalp or the scalp of your loved ones. In this blog, we will discuss some practical ways to prevent head lice.

  • Avoid sharing personal items: Head lice can spread through personal items such as combs, brushes, hair accessories, hats, and clothing. Avoid sharing these items with others, especially if someone you know has head lice.

  • Regularly check for head lice: Checking your scalp and your children's scalp regularly for head lice can help you identify the problem early and prevent its spread. Look for small brownish-colored eggs (nits) attached to the hair shafts, as well as tiny parasites crawling on the scalp or hair.

  • Keep long hair tied up: Long hair can make it easier for head lice to move from one person to another. Keeping long hair tied up can make it difficult for head lice to crawl from one person to another.

  • Use lice prevention products: There are many natural and professional products available that can help prevent head lice. These products contain ingredients such as tea tree oil, neem oil, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil, which have insecticidal properties and can repel head lice.

  • Teach children about head lice: Children are more likely to contract head lice than adults. Therefore, it is essential to teach them about head lice and ways to prevent them. Teach them not to share personal items and to avoid head-to-head contact with other children.

  • Clean bedding and clothing: Head lice can survive on clothing and bedding for up to 5 days. Therefore, drying all bedding and clothing on high heat is essential. It is also recommended to vacuum carpets and furniture.

  • Treat head lice immediately: If you or someone in your family has head lice, it is essential to get professional help to treat it immediately before the infestation gets severe. 

In conclusion, preventing head lice requires checking your kids for lice often, and the proper and daily use of natural lice repellents. By following these simple tips, you can reduce the risk of head lice infestation and keep yourself and your loved ones lice-free and happy.